Drone, Filming & Editing

Connect Hub Intro Video

Drone and cinematic videography. Crafting a narrative using advanced video techniques.

Numerous cinematic techniques

Video introducing and showcasing the MJTI's Connect Hub initiative

Barton Solutions was tasked by the Ministry of Justice, Trade, and Industry to work with Minister Nigel Feetham on a video project. This video was designed to showcase Minister Feetham’s engagement with young people and to introduce the Connect Hub initiative. The Connect Hub has already positively impacted many youths and is now set to reach a broader audience. Its focus is to foster connections with the Ministry and promote opportunities in the digital and finance sectors for younger individuals. Our video aimed to present this journey, highlighting both the broad scope and the specific details of the initiative.

In producing the video, we employed high-quality 4K recording and advanced cinematic techniques. The use of drone footage allowed for a smooth transition from wide-angle to close-up views, following Minister Feetham in various settings, such as team meetings and interactions with the youth. The editing incorporated both slow-motion and speed ramping to emphasise movement and activity, enhancing the narrative’s dynamism. The video concluded with a series of scenes depicting the development of the Connect Hub, ending with a direct call to action. Throughout the video, voiceovers were strategically aligned with the visuals to deliver clear and concise messages.

Safety is our priority

In an operation such as this, involving close-proximity flying near a building, we fit our drone with rotor guards to prevent collisions and protect the drone’s structure, and external objects. Additionally, we equip a drone parachute to deploy in case of any malfunction, ensuring enhanced safety and damage control.

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